There is a new feature introduced in SMP SDK 3.1 SP01 PL03 that provides further information on the library versions that are used in a given project.
SAPClientLogger & ClientLogManager are functions that display version numbers for the following dependency libraries:
- UserInteractionMultiplexerVersion
- CDSProviderVersion
- SMPClientVersion
- CommonCertificateProviderVersion
- MobilePlaceVersion
- HttpConvAuthFlowsVersion
- E2ETrace2Version
- DatavaultVersion
- ClientLogVersion
- SupportabilityVersion
- FederationProviderVersion
- ODataOnlineCoreVersion
- FederationVersion
- ODataAPIVersion
- HttpConversationVersion
SAP Mobile Platform (SMP) SDK 3.1 Native SDK SP01 PL03
SAP Mobile Platform SDK 3.1
SAPClientLogTests.m ; SAPSupportabilityFacade ; , KBA , MOB-SDK-ODP , SAP Mobile SDK Odata SDK , MOB-SDK-OOD , SAP Mobile SDK Offline OData Client , Problem
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