- SAP Transportation Management Conditions for Charge Management
- You are maintaining the Data Access Definition for a Freight Agreement Exclusion Determination Condition (Condition Type TCM_FAGDEX).
- The system does not let you save the condition. There is error message displayed:
For condition type TCM_FAGDEX only BO data can be used in condition definition (/SCMTMS/COND 056)
SAP Transportation Management 9.1+
SAP Transportation Management 9.1 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.2 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.3 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.4 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.5 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.6
FAGDEX tm , KBA , TM-FRA , Freight Agreement Management , TM-CF-CC , Charge Calculation , TM-BF-CND , Condition , TM-MD-CM , Charge Management , Problem
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