error while reading the binary data
uprade from jConnect-5_5 to jConnect -16_0
In trace you can see only one packet of the data went through of 32K then a rollback because it didn't completely pass all of the data being sent.
ROW Token (0xD1); variable length.
Column 1
Length [4]: 32768
Row data [32768]:
DONE Toke (0xFD); fixed length.
Length [0]: [8]
Status [2]: DONE_COUNT (0x0010)
TranState [2]: TDS_TRAN_SUCCEED (0x0001)
Count [4]: 1
Capture Record Header
Source [4]: REQUEST (0x00000001)
Length [4]: 22
PDU Header
TDS Packet Type [1]: BUF_NORMAL (0x0F)
Status [1]: BUFSTAT_EOM (0x01)
Length [2]: 22
Channel [2]: 0
Packet No. [1]: 0
Window [1]: 0
LANGUAGE Token (0x21); variable length.
Length [4]: 9
Status [1]: UNUSED (0x00)
Text Length [0]: [8]
Text [8]: "rollback"
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Software Developer Kit (SDK) 16.0
- jConnect
- JDBC 5.5
- JDBC 16 ( is version JDBC 7.07 )
- SQL Anywhere
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise SDK 16.0 ; SAP SQL Anywhere 16.0 ; Sybase Software Developer Kit 15.7
KBA , BC-SYB-SDK , SDK , Problem
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