- System is raising alert "Service on <hostname>:<service port number> has increased log replay backlog"
- You notice that time stamp T1 and T2 in traces from secondary site as following has a large gap when system replication is active.
[xxxxxxx]{-1}[-1/-1] T1 i Logger RecoveryHandlerImpl.cpp(00706) : Redo done up to position: 0xxxxxxxxxxxx and time: T2
- You observe that takeover costs time longer expected. It takes long time (T5 - T3) during log replay phase.
[xxxxxxx]{-1}[-1/-1] T3 i Logger RecoveryHandlerImpl.cpp(00706) : Redo done up to position: 0xxxxxxxxxxxx and time: T4 (1%)
[xxxxxxx]{-1}[-1/-1] T5 i Logger RecoveryHandlerImpl.cpp(00706) : Redo done up to position: 0xxxxxxxxxxxx and time: T6 (98%)
- HANA 1.0
- HANA 2.0
SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
mini check, hang, take over, delta data shipping, log replay, HA, high availability, failover, read access , KBA , HAN-DB-HA , SAP HANA High Availability (System Replication, DR, etc.) , How To
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