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2733449 - When adding a column using Amazon redshift.xdb, the DDL creates a drop table, instead of an alter table statement - SAP PD


When adding a column in PowerDesigner, using Amazon redshift.xdb, the DDL creates a drop table, instead of an alter table statement.



  • SAP PowerDesigner (PD) 16.1
  • SAP PowerDesigner (PD) 16.5
  • SAP PowerDesigner (PD) 16.6


SAP PowerDesigner 16.5 ; SAP PowerDesigner 16.6 ; SAP PowerDesigner, standard edition 16.5 ; SAP Sybase PowerDesigner 16.1


817738, CR817738, drop, alter, redshift, aws, amazon, amazon web services , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , Product Enhancement

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