SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2733745 - ApmStudentLearningPlanNotification Deep link Error


After creating a Direct Link for Item Details and adding this to the Notification Template - ApmStudentLearningPlanNotification you get an error when trying to access the generated link.


SAP SuccessFactors Learning - All Supported Versions

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a Direct Link for Item Details - LMS Admin -> System Admn -> Tools -> Direct Link -> Direct Link Type -> Notification Tags.
  2. Add the generated link to the Notification Template - ApmStudentLearningPlanNotification.
  3. After the APM Learning Plan Notification is run the users receive a link to an Item in their notifications. When the users use this Link an error is returned.


The incorrect Syntax Tag is used in the Direct Link.

When a Direct Link is being generated the following advice is offered -

Note: Direct links contain syntax tags located within quotes. These tags may differ for each notification template. Be sure to compare the syntax tags in the direct link to those available to the template. You may need to replace some tags in the link.


After a Direct Link for  is generated the following is retuned -

<DEEPLINK_NOTIFICATION linkType="ITEM_DETAILS" value="componentID=<URLENCODE value="<CPNT_ID_ADDED/>"/>&componentTypeID=<URLENCODE value="<CPNT_TYPE_ID_ADDED/>"/>&revisionDate=<URLENCODE value="<REVISION_DATE_ADDED/>"/>"/>

The issue is that the Syntax Tag - <REVISION_DATE_ADDED/> is not available in the Notification Template - ApmStudentLearningPlanNotification. Please change this to the Tag - <REVISION_DATE_ADDED_IN_LONG/> and the Link should get generated correctly.

There are also the following Tags for the Modified and Removed loops -



Direct link, Deeplink, Item Details, REVISION_DATE_ADDED, REVISION_DATE_ADDED_IN_LONG, REVISION_DATE_MODIFIED_IN_LONG, REVISION_DATE_DELETED_IN_LONG , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-NOT , Notifications , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , LOD-SF-LMS-ADM , System Admin, Global Variables, References , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions