SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2734926 - Tickets Sentiment Analysis Not Available


The Sentiment is displaying the status as Not Available within the Ticket Interactions facet.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Service work center.
  2. Select the Tickets view.
  3. Open Ticket ABC (ABC represents the Subject of the Ticket).
  4. Go to the Interactions facet, there check that the sentiments are displaying the message Not Available.


There are 2 possible causes for this behavior. One is that a Business Configuration Scoping question is not marked. Another possible root cause is that the language of the channel is different from the language of the message.


Reason 1 - Missing Business Configuration Scoping question

  1. Go to Business Configuration Work Center.
  2. Go to the Implementation Projects View.
  3. Select Edit Project Scope.
  4. Go to the Questions tab.
  5. Expand Service -> Customer Care -> Service Request Management.
  6. Mark the questions "Enable SAP HANA text analysis to automatically tag during ticket creation?", "Enable SAP HANA text analysis to automatically assign a product to a ticket during ticket creation?" and "Do you want to enable the profanity check for all outgoing messages?".

Reason 2 - The language of the channel is different from the language of the message.

  1. Go to the Administrator work center
  2. Open the Service and Social Settings
  3. Choose Social Media Channels edit it and check the language of the Channel. If you are receiving social media messages in another language, then the sentiment will not be set. (E.G your customers are sending positive messages in Portuguese, but the language of the channel is set to English)
  4. Make the necessary changes setting the language based on your customer interactions.
  5. Save it and execute the run again.

See Also

2604008 - Sentiment Analysis in Arabic Language

2383314 - Disable Sentiment Analysis on Ticket


Tickets; Interactions; Sentiments; Not Available; , KBA , LOD-CRM-SRP , Service Request Processing , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions