SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2735286 - CSB: Brands not showing when creating Email Layout - Recruiting Marketing


Brands are not populating when creating a new E-mail Layout


SuccessFactors Recruiting Marketing - Career Site Builder

Reproducing the Issue

  1. In Career Site Builder, click in Global
  2. Click on Email Layout
  3. Select the locale
  4. Click on Add button
  5. When selecting Brand field you will see not options in the list


Usually this happens because the Brand Management section was not refreshed after enabling Email Layouts feature in Career Site Builder. The issue can manifest with the message "Save to finalize pending changes"  in Brand Management.


  1. In Career Site Builder, click in Tools
  2. Click in Brand Management
  3. Click in Save

After performing the above steps, you will be able to see the values on the Brand list from Email Layout creation screen.

If the save does not help, try reloading the site from Command Center (Site/Reload Site) before saving brands again.

See Also

2643682 - CRM : Enable Email Layout

2600159 - How to Grant Users Access on Career Site builder from Admin Center


unable to create email layout, brand picklist empty, brand dropdown list in blank, crm, email layout , KBA , LOD-SF-RMK-CSB , Career Site Builder , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions