New law ('The Act Decreeing the Day of Accession of Emperor and the Day of Enthronement Ceremony a Holiday') was promulgated in Japan on Dec 14th,2018.
And new Emperor’s accession day and a day of an enthronement ceremony will be national holidays. As a result, the following dates will be public/national holidays only in 2019.
⋆Apr 30 (Public holiday)
⋆May 01 (Day of Accession of Emperor)
⋆May 02 (Public holiday)
⋆Oct 22 (Day of Enthronement Ceremony)
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SCAL, Calendar, Public holiday, Japan, Emperor's birthday, Day of Accession of Emperor, Day of Enthronement Ceremony , KBA , BC-SRV-ASF-CAL , Factory Cal., Holiday Cal., PC Calendar , How To
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