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2735726 - error reading property field 'defaultValue'/'p_defaultvalue' of item


 This usually occurs after a system merge or update, when the type system is not consistant between the versions, e.g.:

- A extension is deprecated and not available in the newer version

- You removed certain data type manually from the item.xml file which has a default value

 You might get an exception like this:

 [java] WARN [main] [JDBCValueMappings] Error while resolving a class for value de.hybris.platform.b2badmincockpit.annotations.B2BUnitActive: de.hybris.platform.b2badmincockpit.annotations.B2BUnitActive
[java] ERROR [main] [JDBCValueMappings] could not read serialized value [fieldName=p_defaultvalue] : failed to read class descriptor
[java] ERROR [main] [PropertyJDBC] error reading property field 'defaultValue'/'p_defaultvalue' of item '8796428533847'/'8796428533847' (info was [defaultValue,p_defaultvalue,class java.lang.Object] )
[java] stack:
[java] ERROR [main] [OnTenantStartupProcessor] [main]: Exception caught in rule module initialization during tenant startup or after initialization: de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.exceptions.ModelSavingException:
[de.hybris.platform.validation.interceptors.ValidationInterceptor@78f32bc6]: unexpected validator error: failed to read class descriptor



  • SAP Hybris Commerce 6.7


SAP Hybris Commerce 6.7


KBA , CEC-SCC-PLA-PL , Platform , Problem

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