During data loading via the operational data provisioning interface, the following error is displayed in the log of ODQR job:
"Exception occurred in line of include LFAGL_ITEMS_SELECT_BWU01 (program SAPLFAGL_ITEMS_SELECT_BW)"
Meanwhile the log of SM21 shows the following error:
The details are as below:
BYL Database error 1652 requires database administrator to intervene
BY4 Database error 1652 with FET access to table FAGLFLEXA
BY0 > ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace
An ERP system as an ODP source system, which's based on ORACLE database.
KBA , BW-BCT-FI-GL , BW only - General Ledger , BC-BW-ODP , Operational Data Provisioning (ODP) and Delta Queue (ODQ) , Problem
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