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2737564 - Cannot add QuickViews to Fiori Elements


User is developing ListReports using Fiori Elements and would like to add a QuickView to a property so whenever the user clicks on it (or hovers over) either on the List Page or the Object Page, the popover would appear showing the data user selected (either from the Entity Set where the property is located or other fields reached through Navigation Properties). Currently, the QuickViewFacet annotation can't be added to a property, it has to be added to an EntitySet, which requires the odata to have navigation properties setup to different entity sets. However, they also want to be able to add data from the "origin set", not only the "destination set".



  • SAPUI5 1.60.2
  • Fiori Elements/Smart Templates


field masking 1.0 for SAPUI5 and SAP Fiori


Fiori Elements QuickView , KBA , CA-UI5-ST-LR , Fiori elements v2 List Report , Problem

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