- DS jobs failed with error randomly:
(14.2) 11-23-18 05:13:57 (E) (8296:2296) RUN-248056: |Data flow XXXX
HTTP client error:<56>:<Failure when receiving data from the peer>. -
(14.2) 11-23-18 05:13:57 (E) (8296:2296) FIL-080101: |Data flow XXXX|Reader XXXX
Cannot open file </XXX/XXX/XXXX.dat>. Check its path and permissions. -
This error happens to random jobs and DF with similar design with Azure Blob and DW running in parallel.
- SAP Data Services 4.2 Support Package 9 and higher versions
- Azure Blob
- Azure DW
SAP Data Services 4.2
File Location, Azure Blob, Azure DW, HTTP client error:<56>, peer, cannot open file, DS , KBA , EIM-DS-EXE , Job Execution , Problem
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