This KBA focuses on 3 symptoms related to semantics when creating segments.
- Symptom 1: Timestamp based attribute shows wrong operators. Instead of selection of a period of time, it offers operators like "equal to", which is confusing.
- Symptom 2: NVARCHAR type attribute shows leading zeros, and filter does not work if leading zeros are not filled. In following screenshot, it finds 9 results by using filter "Communication Category ID eq 0000000006", which is the same with the number in preview. But it cannot find any result when setting filter as "Communication Category ID eq 6".
- Symptom 3: Semantic type "Time" does not work in On-Premise 1709 or lower release.
- SAP Marketing On-Premise.
- SAP Marketing Cloud.
SAP Hybris Marketing 1.2 ; SAP Hybris Marketing 1709 ; SAP Marketing 1809 ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions ; SAP hybris Marketing 1.1
Semantics, Semantic types, Timestamp, Date and Time, Alphanumeric, time. , KBA , CEC-MKT-SEG , Segmentation , Problem
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