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2740114 - Error while installing SHINE XSA


Installation of SHINE XSA fails with errors like this:

Installation of archive file(s) 'XSACSHINE06_1-70002323.ZIP' failed.
To see installation logs execute 'xs display-installation-logs 9736 -scv'. Error creating services: Error creating service "sap-portal-services-host" from offering "portal-services" and plan "site-host": Controller operation failed: 400 Bad Request: Could not create service "sap-portal-services-host": Asynchronous job 'Creating service instance 'sap-portal-services-host' [service: 'portal-services', plan:'site-host'] of [Org 'orgname', Space 'Shine'].' failed: Provisioning service sap-portal-services-host (service id xsa-portal-service-broker, plan id site-host) on service broker "sap-portal-services" (url: failed due to unexpected return code from broker: REST request PUT to url '' had response code 500 (Operation failed due to unexpected server error) with error message: 'description: Failed to create service instance: invalid table name: Could not find table/view SERVICES in schema USR_7QGMSXILX9VVQY8DWL7DKTFPH: line 1 col 15 (at pos 14)'..



  • SAP HANA 2.0 SPS03
  • XSA 1.0.97
  • Portal services < 1.14.3


SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


SHINE ; XSA ; Error ; service ; portal ; HANA , KBA , HAN-AS-XSA-SHN , SAP HANA Interactive Education (SHINE Model) , Problem

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