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2740989 - AD logons fail for all users for all BI applications with FWM 00029 error


  • Error message: 'Account Information Not Recognized:Logon Failed.  Please make sure you are a member of a valid mapped group' (FWM 00029)
  • Important to note this in not the typical FWM 00006 error 
  • In the CMC the mapped group(s) were showing 0 AD users, the AD users however still existed in the users and groups list, this represented an issue where the users appeared to be out of synch
  • It was not necessary to remap the AD group, this is very important when not remapping it was not necessary to restory from backup, or re-create user docs and security. 
  • New users could not be added to AD (existing users were not removed either), even after adding the domain users group, so basically all user/group synchronization was broken by this issue



SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.2 SP6 (this issue doesn't appear to be BI version specific but the symptoms may vary slightly on other versions)


SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2


Active Directory AD emkba biauth , KBA , BI-BIP-AUT , Authentication, ActiveDirectory, LDAP, SSO, Vintela , Problem

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