When restore has done by root account, and IQ database starts using another account which has not root previledge, IQ database fails to start due to the below permission error:
I. 01/16 12:41:59. Starting database "iqdemo" (/opt/SAP/iq160/IQ-16_0/demo/iqdemo.db) at Wed Jan 16 2019 12:41
E. 01/16 12:41:59. Error: Database cannot be started -- Permission denied
E. 01/16 12:41:59. Database cannot be started -- Permission denied
I. 01/16 12:41:59. Database server shutdown due to startup error
I. 01/16 12:41:59. Database server stopped at Wed Jan 16 2019 12:41
Database cannot be started -- Access is denied
Error: Database cannot be started -- Permission denied Database cannot be started -- Permission denied
Server failed to start
- SAP IQ 16.1
- SAP IQ 16.0
Could not open/read file, file permission, utility_db, utility database, backup, restore , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To
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