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2741676 - Database fails to start due to Permission denied - SAP IQ 


When restore has done by root account, and IQ database starts using another account which has not root previledge, IQ database fails to start due to the below permission error:

I. 01/16 12:41:59. Starting database "iqdemo" (/opt/SAP/iq160/IQ-16_0/demo/iqdemo.db) at Wed Jan 16 2019 12:41
E. 01/16 12:41:59. Error: Database cannot be started -- Permission denied
E. 01/16 12:41:59. Database cannot be started -- Permission denied
I. 01/16 12:41:59. Database server shutdown due to startup error
I. 01/16 12:41:59. Database server stopped at Wed Jan 16 2019 12:41
Database cannot be started -- Access is denied

Error: Database cannot be started -- Permission denied Database cannot be started -- Permission denied
Server failed to start



  • SAP IQ 16.1
  • SAP IQ 16.0


SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP IQ 16.1


Could not open/read file, file permission, utility_db, utility database, backup, restore , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To

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