- After a successful SAP Note implementation that has made changes to an OData service that belongs to an application, the application shows the following error:
- Resource not found for the segment 'XXXXXXX'" at startup.
- Response from external server has status code of 404.
- After changes that modify custom Z_Odata services, the $metadata request of the service, does not give back the correct response.
- SAP Gateway
- SAP NetWeaver
SAP Gateway all versions
$metadata, segment, resource not found, Odata metadata, Odata service, reload metadata, metadata cache, Gateway, 404, SEGW, The error message is generated, because the segment cannot be found (error code: 404). , KBA , response from external server has status , status code of 404 , opu-gw-cor framework , opu-gw-cor framework , OPU-BSE-SDE , SAP Data Enablement , CA-FLP-ABA , SAP Fiori Launchpad ABAP Services , OPU-GW-COR , Framework , LOD-ANA-PL-PLI , Planning Integration (BPC import/export/writeback) , Problem
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