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2744488 - How does a user write a message entry into replication server errorlog - SRS


  • In ASE it's possible to put an entry in the dataserver log with the following command:
    dbcc logprint("hello", "this message will be written to the errorlog")  
    Resulting in the following in the log:
    00:0002:00000:00001:2019/01/18 12:03:01.65 server  hello
    00:0002:00000:00001:2019/01/18 12:03:01.65 server  this message will be written to the errorlog  
  • Is there a similar command for replication server which will result in messages to the repserver log?



SAP Replication Server (SRS) all versions


SAP Replication Server all versions


log a message to errorlog, , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , How To

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