In the Fiori Launchpad Designer you are not able to add tiles to a Group. After selecting the Group option, click on the '+' to try to add tiles in a specific Group. Tile's image looks duplicated and the '+' button in order to add them to a group is misssing.
- SAP_UI 753
- FES 5.0
Launchpad Designer: '+' Buttons not visible, cannot add tile to group, Missing Buttons on Fiori Launchpad Designer, not possible to add tiles, #Fiori , KBA , CA-FE-FLP-DT , Please use CA-FLP-FE-DT or CA-FLP-ABA-DT , CA-FLP-FE-COR , SAP Fiori Launchpad Frontend Core and Services , CA-FLP-FE-UI , SAP Fiori Launchpad User Interface , Bug Filed
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