You replicate Registered Products/ Installed Base / Equipments from your ERP/S4HANA system to C4C and the message fails in C4C with error: Party XXX not valid; it must be active (where XXX is the customer ID).
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
Prerequisites: you have a working integration scenario setup between ERP and C4C for interface RegisteredProductReplicationInitiatedByExternalIn.
Go to the Administrator work center > Web Service Message Monitoring.
- Observe the erroneous message.
- Go to the Customers work center > Accounts view.
- Search for customer XXX and observe the status. The customer is obsolete.
- If you cannot find the XXX directly under Accounts, you need to find the C4C ID of this XXX under ID Mapping for Integration
Registered products cannot be created for obsolete accounts in C4C.
In case you would like to replicate the registered product, you need to activate the account in C4C and then retrigger the message.
not valid, active, obsolete, registered product, it must be active , KBA , LOD-CRM-INT-ERP , Integration of C4C with ERP , How To