- Keep getting the following messages in the primary ASE errorlog
kernel (CI-Info) Message: 1001, Severity: 0 (-)Client Library error:
severity(0) number(191) origin(1) layer(1) (ct_connect(): user api layer: external error: The connection failed because of invalid or missing external configuration data.)
kernel (CI-Info) Message: 1001, Severity: 0 (-)Client Library error:
severity(0) number(151) origin(1) layer(1) (ct_cancel(): user api layer: external error: A connection to the server must exist on the connection structure before this routine can be called.)
server RepAgent(1): The Rep Agent Thread will retry the connection to the Replication Server every 60 second(s). (RepSvr = rs_host:4905). - Replication Agent connection to replication server failed
- SAP Replication Server all versions
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) all versions
Rep Agent, Repagent, HADR , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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