We will be using Access Request Management from our Production GRC system to provision to our development, QA, and Production systems. All of our roles exist in development where they are created and unit tested, QA where there is integration testing, and Production.
For HR trigger we are mapping Request Type to Business Role. We only want these assigned in the Production systems however we have no way to indicate that they should only be provisioned in Production, because they exist in Development and QA, they will provision there also.
The only way we have found around this is set Provisioning Allowed and Allow Auto Provision to No for the composite role so they will never provision to development or QA. This then limits our ability to provision the role at all for testing in development and QA through ARM. Is there another way to handle this?
SAP GRC Access Control 10.0 / 10.1 / 12.0
Access Request (ARQ)
Provisioning Allowed, Allow Auto Provisioning , KBA , hr trigger , GRC-SAC-ARQ , Access Request , How To
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