On ASE 160 SP03 PL0x, rebuilding CUDFs via saphostctrl fails due to missing password for "sapsso" user in the LocaL Secure Store of the SAP Host Agent.
C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe>saphostctrl -user sapadm <password> -dbname ABC -dbtype syb -function LiveDatabaseUpdate -updatemethod Execute -updateoption TASK=SETUP_CUDFS
Error: Command execution failed. : Grants for creating and dropping udfs failed.
(fault code: 127)
Operation ID: 005056AF598D1ED988E9CD6EFFB860CE
----- Log messages ----
Info: saphostcontrol: Executing LiveDatabaseUpdate
Error: sapdbctrl: Grants for creating and dropping udfs failed.
Error: saphostcontrol: LiveDatabaseUpdate failed (sapdbctrl exit code = 1)
Executing saphostctrl with traceflag=3, the dev_sapdbctrl log shows --
LAST OS-ERROR: (0) : The operation completed successfully.
[PID 1312] [PID 1312] LAST OS-ERROR: (0) : The operation completed successfully.
[PID 1312] DBConfigPath is E:\sybase\ABC\sapdbctrl-config
[PID 1312] LiveUpdateOption SETUP_CUDFS
[PID 1312] error: password for sapsso user not found in SecStore.
[PID 1312] Grants for creating and dropping udfs failed.
[PID 1312] *** ERROR => 'Database live update' failed: Grants for creating and dropping udfs failed.
error: password for sapsso user not found in SecStore.
[sapdbctrl.cp 3850]
sapparam: sapargv(argc, argv) has not been called!
sapparam(1c): No Profile used.
sapparam: SAPSYSTEMNAME neither in Profile nor in Commandline
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP03 for Business Suite
- SAP Host Agent 7.21 (latest SP)
saphostctrl, SETUP_CUDFS, sapsso, password, missing, "Secure Store", "Local Secure Store", "Grants for creating and dropping udfs failed", recreating, cudfs , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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