Import a project that contains rules and views into a new environment, but import screen will hang and timeout after a few hours with the following error
- Error " Unable to access the Web Server. Please contact your Administrator (UIM-10142).
- Application Service log and Explorer logs have the following error:
"Could not acquire a lock within the specified wait period. SERVER level wait period=1800 seconds, spid=, lock type=update page, dbid=, objid=, pageno=, rowno=0." - Application service log wil also show following Status update query while the hang occurs
"Executing SQL: SELECT B.status_id,B.updated,B.status_type_cd,B.is_deleteable,, FROM <REPO>.MMT_Status AS B WHERE B.status_id=#"
SAP Information Steward 14.2
Sybase ASE
SAP Information Steward 4.2
KBA , EIM-IS-DI , Information Steward - Data Insight , EIM-IS , Information Steward , Problem
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