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2750509 - SAP BPA by Redwood API Documentation


You are looking for documentation on RedwoodScript to use the Redwood API.

  • RedwoodScript is a Java-like language based on Java 1.6. It allows you to script the repository using an extensive API
  • How do you access the Redwood API documentation?



This information applies to SAP BPA V9:

  • SAP BPA by Redwood version 9 (9.x.x.x)
  • Running on SAP Netweaver Java 7.3 and higher.
  • You must have the Scripting Module (License item > Module.Scripting=true) to use the API.


SAP Business Process Automation 9.0 by Redwood ; SAP Business Process Automation 9.1 by Redwood


REDWOOD SAP BPA SCRIPT API DOCUMENTATION , KBA , XX-PART-REDWOOD-BPA , SAP Business Process Automation by Redwood , XX-PART-REDWOOD-CPS , SAP Central Process Scheduling by Redwood , How To

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