During an upgrade on Support Package Manager (SPAM) tool, you see the following error message
Lifecycle management processes are locked by process CLIENT_COPY (LM tool )
Message no. TN680
The import of an OCS queue is Lifecycle Management process, which changes the whole system. In order to ensure a consistent import, no other concurrent Lifecycle Management processes are allowed.
The system found, that the LM process CLIENT_COPY (controlled by LM tool ) is currently active.
System Response
Saving and importing the queue will be rejected.
Complete the LM process CLIENT_COPY or reset it. If you are unsure contact the system administration.
Support Package Manager (SPAM)
Define queue, SPAM import, Cannot upgrade, LMSEMAPHORE , KBA , BC-CTS-CCO , Client Copy (For ByD issues select BC-TLM-CP) , BC-UPG-OCS-SPA , Support package tools for ABAP , Problem
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