As of July 1, 2014 (school year 2013-2014), the reimbursement forms for the educational leave have to be sent to different institutions, depending on the region in which the employee worked during the school year (reference period). Before July 1, 2014, the forms to claim the reimbursement had to be sent to one single institution for the entire company.
The region in which an employee works is derived from the local unit ID. One local unit ID can only belong to one single region.
In Belgium, the following regions are identified:
- Flemish region
- Wallonia (including the German-speaking region)
- Brussels
The following assumptions are used to differentiate the regions:
- Declarative region: region executing the declaration mentioned in the 'Region' field of the selection screen
- Last region with educational leave equal to the declarative region is a key period for interregional mobility fields:
- Regions before that period : regions mentioned in the interregional fields of declaration
- Regions after that period : they are not taken into consideration for education leave reimbursement
Educational Leave; Interregional mobility; multiple regions; multiple employers , KBA , PY-BE , Belgium , Problem
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