After a restoration to target system was successfully completed from database backup from a source IQ database, sp_iqcheckdb returned "Decompression error during Read" and "Incorrect page header read" errors.
main Bufman: Decompression error during Read; from slib/s_buf.cxx:1787
expected: btype=7,blk=224,pbn=18921437,nlb=16,npb=5,uid=2167,txn=43212326,sp=4,mn=868,upmn=868,flgs=0x80008018,iscmp=1
read: btype=7,nlb=16,npb=5,ctr=136,cta=134,pbn=18921437,txn=43212326,sp=4,ver=1,pb=119,pus=224 iscmp=1
Expected Pad1: 119 (0x77), Pad2: 224 (0x00e0)
Got Pad1: 119 (0x77), Pad2: 224 (0x00e0)
age dump for sbuf @ 0x104dbb00
_dskBlk @ 0xffcfd310000
Physical block #: 18921437 (0x120b7dd)
main Bufman: Incorrect page header read; from slib/s_trycatch.cxx:2928
expected: btype=17,blk=215,pbn=19069472,nlb=16,npb=1,uid=2196,txn=43212326,sp=4,mn=863,upmn=863,flgs=0x80000018,iscmp=0
read: btype=0,nlb=0,npb=0,ctr=0,cta=0,pbn=0,txn=0,sp=0,ver=0,pb=0,pus=0 iscmp=0
Expected Pad1: 148 (0x94), Pad2: 215 (0x00d7)
Got Pad1: 0 (0x00), Pad2: 0 (0x0000)
There was an s_buf::Read() error during s_bufman::Find().
Same corrupted objects on source database are clean, issue only appears on the restored database side.
- SAP IQ 16.0 SP 11
- SUSE 11.4
Sybase ; CR817773, CR#817773, 817773 ; corrupt ; dbcc ; FP index ; stacktrace, stktrc, stack trace , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed
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