You want to know how to implement "implicit IGIC" included in product prices recevied in transactions from retailers ("comerciantes minoristas") that are IGIC exempt according to Article 11 of Real Decree 2538/1994.
Special taxes procedures are defined by law for Spanish Companies located in Canary Islands. In a business case where a retailer sells what previosly bought:
-The company that sells some item -previously charged with input IGIG (canarian tax)-, isn´t allowed by law to charge his customer with explicit output IGIC anymore. So, to reduce such a negative impact, increases the price of the items. Let´s call this price increase "implicit IGIG".
-The company that buys is allowed to post some input IGIG (for the "implicit IGIC" included in the price) so that it can be deducted later on.
This article describes how the received invoice (without explicit IGIC) can be posted with "allowed" IGIC in SAP system.
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
IGIG stands for "Impuesto General Indirecto Canario" /General Indirect Canarian Tax)Impuesto General Indirecto Canario, Spain, Spanish, localized solution, localization, country specific, BOE-A-1994-28972, Real Decreto 2538/1994, de 29 de diciembre, por el que se dicta normas de desarrollo relativas al Impuesto General Indirecto Canario y al Arbitrio sobre la Producción e Importación en las islas Canarias, creados por la Ley 20/1991, de 7 de junio. Artículo 60. Cuotas tributarias deducibles. Artículo 11 "Exenciones en operaciones interiores", 27. "Las entregas de bienes que efectúen los comerciantes minoristas". FV63A049 FRM_KOND_BASIS_049 SAPLV61A LV61AA55 XKOMV_BEWERTEN, VFOM , Formulas -> Condition Base Value , CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-ES , KBA , XX-CSC-ES-FI , use FI-LOC-FI-ES , SD-BF-PR , Pricing , SD-MD-CM , Conditions and Condition Maintainance , CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-ES , Spain , FI-LOC-FI-ES , Spain , How To
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