- HANA DB unresponsive for short periods potentially resulting in application timeouts or short dumps.
- Unnecessary HANA standby node or 3rd party cluster solution failover
- IBM GPFS filesystem unmount
- Entries in syslog similar to : kernel: [1865929.472648] BUG: soft lockup - CPU#9 stuck for 23s! [xxxx:xxxxx]
- High system cpu utilization
This KBA documents one of the possible causes of a CPU soft lockup in HANA environments.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) / SLES for SAP
Note : Documentation of potentially similar issues with other Linux flavours is out of scope of this document.
BUG, soft lockup, CPU stuck, PoolThread , KBA , BC-OP-LNX-SUSE , SUSE Linux , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem
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