- Creating a Transport request from a Normal Change document where cCTS is active, the following errors are encountered:
"Failed to register project in central CTS infrastructure
Error User TESTCM_DEVLD has no authority to perform this action
Information Current phase of cycle: Active
Information Action to be checked: Normal Change: Create Transport Request"
Message No. /TMWFLOW/TRANSPORT302 - The error comes up only when cCTS is active and there is no error without it.
The creation of the task list is failing with error:
"Failed to register project in central CTS infrastructure"
SAP Solution Manager 7.2
SAP Solution Manager 7.2
SOLMAN, CHARM, SMIM, central CTS, cycle, AUTH, Message No. /TMWFLOW/TASKLIST304, SLG1, Object /TMWLFOW/CMSCV, Subobject TASKLIST_CREATE, change cycle , KBA , SV-SMG-CM , Change Request Management , Problem
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