The "HTTP Status 404" error is shown in the web browser when you try to access the following FIM urls:
- http(s)://<fim server>:8080/fim
- http(s)://<fim server>:8080/fim/admin/admin.jsp
If you check the running status of FIM in the Tomcat Web Application Manger, it is displayed as "false".
In the tomcat log stderr.log, the following error can be found:
- ... AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator is only available on Java 1.5 and higher
The java version of this server is higher than 1.5 (you can check this by typing "java -version" in the Command Prompt)
- SAP Financial Information Management (FIM) 10.0
SAP Financial Information Management 10.0
FIM admin, FIM web, cannot start, FIM 10, launch , KBA , EPM-FIM-INS , Installation, Upgrade, Migration , Problem
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