During an upgrade using Software Update Manager, below error occurs in phase PREP_INIT/INIT_CNTRANS_PRE:
INFO: The program has detected an inconsistency in your system:Release '740' missing in table container '<SID>#BTABD' for tabart 'SLDEF'!Release missing in index container '<SID>#BTABI' for tabart 'SLDEF'!The inconsistency could cause problems when new tables are created. It may additionally lead to incorrect free space requirements.OR
*Info:* The program has detected the following inconsistencies in your system:Release '750' missing in table container 'PSAP<sid><rel>' for tabart 'SLDEF'!Release missing in index container 'PSAP<sid><rel>' for tabart 'SLDEF'!Release '750' missing in table container 'PSAP<sid><rel>' for tabart 'SLEXC'!Release missing in index container 'PSAP<sid><rel>' for tabart 'SLEXC'!Release '750' missing in table container 'PSAP<sid><rel>' for tabart 'SSDEF'!Release missing in index container 'PSAP<sid><rel>' for tabart 'SSDEF'!Release '750' missing in table container 'PSAP<sid><rel>' for tabart 'SSEXC'!Release missing in index container 'PSAP<sid><rel>' for tabart 'SSEXC'!Read more...
- Software Update Manager (SUM)
- SAP Netweaver 7.X
SAP NetWeaver 7.4 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5
INIT_CNTRANS, INIT_CNTRANS_PRE, TADB6, IADB6, BTABD, 740, 750. Release '750', Release '740', SLDEF, SLEXC, SSDEF, Release missing in index container, PSAPSR3702X, SUM, Software update manager, TABART, SLDEV, SSDEV, container inconsistency, tablespace , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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