Your business requires a different certificate format other than Base64 encoded X.509. OpenSSL Tool can be used to convert the certificates into the appropriate format.
Note: OpenSSL is an open source tool that is not provided or supported by SAP.
SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java
OpenSSL Tool
PEM, PKCS7, P7B, DER, X509, CER, PFX, PKCS8, openssl x509, openssl pkcs7, openssl pkcs12, openSSL pkcs8, openssl crl2pkcs7, openssl commands , KBA , BC-JAS-SEC , Security, User Management , BC-SEC , Security - Read KBA 2985997 for subcomponents , BC-SEC-SSL , Secure Sockets Layer Protocol , BC-JAS-SEC-CPG , Cryptography , Problem
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