You have tried to install the XSA runtime and the installation appears to be successful in HDBLCM. When checking the system after and the installation logs you can see it fails with the following error seen in the hdbinst.log:
INFO: Output line 6: ERROR: Unable to logon to the runtime schema within the system db
INFO: Output line 7: No runtime schema within <SID>.
INFO: Output line 8: Use system db of MDC system.
After an installation has been done you try to use the xs-admin-login -api command and receive the following error:
FAILED: XS advanced services are not running because no xs_worker role is assigned to any host
SAP HANA extended application services, advanced model (XSA)
ERROR, Unable, to, logon, runtime, schema, within, system, db, WEBIDE, web, ide, xsa, xs, hdblcm, worker, xs_worker, hdbinst_log, hdbinst , KBA , BC-XS-RT , XS Advanced Runtime / XS Controller , Problem
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