Implemented dynamic analytic privilege and give the privilege to an appropriate user. However, when a user tried to access a view gets the following error message:
[13622]{200737}[88/-1] 2019-02-21 23:27:17.291251 e Authorization SqlAnalyticalPrivilegeFacade.cpp(00924) : Failed to obtain analytical privilege definition: ObjectId(28,7,oid=3850)(convertToStatic: 1) due to error: Error while parsing injection query: SELECT * FROM "_SYS_BIC"."temp/CV_TEMP" WHERE CITY="Walldorf" with default schema: HK1: invalid column name
[13622]{200737}[88/-1] 2019-02-21 23:27:17.291385 e Authorization : Could not obtain all relevant analytical privileges for user ADAMS accessing view ._SYS_BIC.temp/CV_TEMP due to exception: Invalid SQL AP definition
HANA 1.0 and 2.0
Dynamic analytic privilege, Could not obtain all relevant analytical privileges for user, Invalid SQL AP definition, Error while parsing injection query , KBA , HAN-STD-DEV-MOD , SAP HANA Analytical Modeling , Problem
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