You observe difference in your system's behaviour after certain upgrade, about what purchase requisitions (PR) items can be opened.
Before upgrading (which upgrade included SAP Note 2484787) if a user did not have authorization for some items of a PR (for example due to plant authorization restrictions) then the MEPO 816 - Not possible to select all items - system message appeared, and on the ME52n screen's item overview those items listed and were editable, for which the user had authorization fully.
However after upgrade such a user who does not have authorization for one of the items of the PR can not even open the document and the authorized items, the 06 199 - Missing authorization ... - error blocks the PR opening.
See in "see also" part the affected system versions
2671292 2484787 PR BANF BAPI_PR_CREATE BAPI_PR_CHANGE MEPO816 MEPO816 06199 06 199 me52n me51n me54n me53n , KBA , MM-PUR-REQ-GUI , Userinterface - Purchase Requisitions , MM-PUR-REQ , Purchase Requisitions , How To
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