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2766969 - Server is not responding to ping requests: SSL error


The Web Dispatcher is marking the instances of the backend system as not operational (red exclamation mark).

The help text says "Server is not responding to ping requests: SSL error", even though the certificate of the Root CA (Certification Authority) that signed the backend certificates was already imported.


If the context menu of the instance is used to try re-establishing the trust (click on the instance -> "Establish trust"), an SSL error is reported:

Certificate Wizard

SSL Error while retrieving certificates from <hostname>:<port>!
See dev_webdisp for details!

Certificates not available!


If you try accessing the backend system through the Web Dispatcher, a "503 Service Not Available" error is returned.

The "dev_webdisp" trace file shows SSL related errors, like:

[Thr 16168]   SSL_get_state()==0x21d0 "TLS read finished A"
[Thr 16168] *** ERROR => SecuSSL_SessionStartNB(): incomplete SSL handshake [ssslsecu.c   4955]
[Thr 16168] *** ERROR => SSL handshake with <backend hostname>:<port> failed: SSSLRC_CONN_CLOSED (-10)
[Thr 16168] Remote Peer has closed the network connection

The "dev_icm" trace file, on the backend, shows trace entries like:

[Thr 139849360832256]  *** SSL-Info: Server-configured Handshake failure, client did not send _required_ client cert
[Thr 139849360832256]   SSL NI-hdl 126: local=<local IP address>:<port>  peer=<WebDisp IP address>:<port>
[Thr 139849360832256] <<- ERROR: SapSSLSessionStartNB(sssl_hdl=7f30fc00c520)==SSSLERR_MISSING_CLIENT_CERT
[Thr 139849360832256] *** ERROR => IcmConnInitServerSSL: SapSSLSessionStartNB returned (-106): SSSLERR_MISSING_CLIENT_CERT [icxxconn



  • SAP Netweaver release independent
  • Client/Server Technology - ICM (Internet Communication Manager)
  • Client/Server Technology - Web Dispatcher
  • Security - Secure Sockets Layer Protocol


SAP NetWeaver all versions


KBA , BC-CST-WDP , Web Dispatcher , BC-CST-IC , Internet Communication Manager , BC-CST , Client/Server Technology , BC-SEC , Security - Read KBA 2985997 for subcomponents , Problem

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