During performing index decompression on partitioned table with BRSPACE, the rebuild is failing with error like:
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp
BR1151I Starting 'online' index rebuilding...
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp
BR1155I Starting 'online' rebuilding of index <owner>.<index_name> ...
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp
BR0301E SQL error -14185 at location ind_one_rebuild-10, SQL statement:
'ALTER INDEX "<owner>"."<index_name>" REBUILD PARTITION "<partition_name>" ONLINE NOCOMPRESS'
ORA-14185: incorrect physical attribute specified for this index partition
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp
BR1157E Rebuild of index <owner>.<index_name> failed
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp
BR1152I Number of indexes rebuilt successfully: 0
BR1153E Rebuild failed for 1 index(es)
Oracle database
rebuild, index, compression, decompression, idrebuild, deactivate, compression, ORA-14185
, KBA , BC-DB-ORA-DBA , Database Administration , Problem
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