00:0006:00000:00013:2019/03/12 15:47:00.94 server pg__deal_ext_commit: dbid 4, extid 6862816, objid 803621208, alloc 0, dealloc 0, status 0
00:0004:00000:00013:2019/03/12 15:47:30.98 server pg__deal_ext_commit: dbid 4, extid 6866344, objid 803621208, alloc 0, dealloc 0, status 0
00:0006:00000:00013:2019/03/12 15:50:03.36 server pg__deal_ext_commit: dbid 4, extid 12625680, objid 1879048982, alloc 0, dealloc 0, status 1
00:0009:00000:00172:2019/03/12 15:52:02.14 server DBCC TRACEON 3604, SPID 172
00:0009:00000:00172:2019/03/12 15:52:02.15 server pg__deal_ext_commit: dbid 6, extid 22016, objid -11272194, alloc 255, dealloc 0, status 0
00:0009:00000:00172:2019/03/12 15:52:02.15 server pg__deal_ext_commit: dbid 6, extid 22024, objid -11272194, alloc 1, dealloc 0, status 0
00:0009:00000:00172:2019/03/12 15:52:02.15 server DBCC TRACEOFF 3604, SPID 172
00:0009:00000:00172:2019/03/12 15:52:02.15 server pg__deal_ext_commit: dbid 6, extid 408576, objid -11272196, alloc 7, dealloc 0, status 0
00:0009:00000:00172:2019/03/12 15:52:02.15 server pg__deal_ext_commit: dbid 6, extid 121856, objid -11272197, alloc 7, dealloc 0, status 0
00:0009:00000:00172:2019/03/12 15:52:02.15 server pg__deal_ext_commit: dbid 6, extid 22016, objid -11272194, alloc 7, dealloc 0, status 0
00:0009:00000:00172:2019/03/12 15:52:02.15 server DBCC TRACEON 3604, SPID 172
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 for Business Suite
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)
pg__deal_ext_commit, TF1110, 1110, traceflag , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , How To
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