During the SAML authentication flow, the error message "Error in ST program SAML2_LOGOUT_RESPONSE when importing XML data" is thrown and the authentication does not complete.
The SAMLResponse is being sent to the Single Logout Service from the Service Provider. Example: "Destination="https://<domain>/sap/saml2/sp/slo/500".
- SAP enhancement package 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0
- SAP NetWeaver 7.3
- SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3
- SAP NetWeaver 7.4
- SAP NetWeaver 7.5 and higher
Error in ST program SAML2_LOGOUT_RESPONSE when importing XML data SAML2.0 error during logon procedure SAML20 Caused by: CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENT: System expected the element '{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol}LogoutResponse , KBA , BC-SEC-LGN-SML , SAML 2.0 for ABAP , BC-SEC-LGN , Authentication , Problem
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