- How to use the IPHR diagnostic in-memory tracing option to further investigate SAP IQ 16.x servers.
- Which are reporting Incorrect Page Header Read related errors
- Which do not match any existing known documented issues.
- The diagnostic options to be used are IQ startup switches:
- -iqiphrtracing
- -iq_thread_msg_buf_size in-memory tracing feature
- These traces should only be used after first consulting with SAP Product Support.
- The diagnostic tracing information produced will enable SAP IQ engineering to identify root causes of IPHR related issues
- Without the need to provide custom-built instrumentation, there by speed up resolution times.
- The symptom characteristics associated with IPHR errors include...
- Queries intermittently failing with main Bufmain: Incorrect page header read errors (IPHR)
- main Bufman errors from slib/s_trycatch.cxx or lib/s_dpidx.cxx
- main Bufman: An error was detected on a database page. You may have a damaged index.
- ErrID: 2100 (s_corruptdiskblkhdrexception); SQLCode: -1009039, SQLState: 'QSA39'
- BArray header mismatch errors
- Block count mismatch errors during DBCC checkdb consistency checks. Specific s_bm errors (i.e., BM_BADCOUNT_ERROR, BM_BITSOFF_ERROR, BM_BITSON_ERROR), and Server aborts.
The diagnostic tracing option is only available post:
- SAP IQ 16.0 SP11 PL22
- SAP IQ 16.1 SP02 PL14
- SAP IQ 16.1 SP03 PL04
- SAP IQ 16.0 SP04
SAP IQ 16.1
sybase, corruption, error, abort, failure, , sp_iqcheckdb, mpx, secondary, coordinator, exception, debug, 'in memory', inmemory, crash, corrupt , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To
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