- An SAP ASE connection to DirectConnect for Oracle (DCO) fails.
- The CONNECT command executed via isql in ASE fails with the following error:
1> connect to MY_SRV_Oracle
2> go
Msg 11216, Level 16, State 13:
Server 'MYASE', Line 1:
Internal Ct-Lib/Cs-Lib error 84083972: 'ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library error: Protocol driver call to parse connection information failed'.
Msg 11206, Level 16, State 1:
Server 'MYASE', Line 1:
Unable to connect to server 'MY_SRV_Oracle'.
- ASE errorlog shows multiple 7215 and 7235 errors:
kernel nconnect: cannot find host
server Failed to connect to remote server MY_SRV_Oracle tcp ether 1667 for site MY_SRV_Oracle. Trying the next query entry of this server, if any.
server Error: 7235, Severity: 17, State: 0
server No other query entry found for the remote server MY_SRV_Oracle - site MY_SRV_Oracle. Aborting this site handler, as no remote server responded. Please make sure the remote server is accepting connections.
- A telnet connection using the host IP address works fine.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)
- SAP/Sybase EnterpriseConnect Data Access (ECDA)
interfaces , KBA , BC-SYB-ECD , Enterprise Connect (ECDA) , Problem
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