During installing the target system of System Copy by SWPM tool, somehow you find the password for 000-DDIC user from the source system is not working.
TRACE 2019-03-15 06:09:14.425 (root/sapinst) (startInstallation)
RfcOpenConnection failed: Error code: RFC_LOGON_FAILURE, error group: LOGON_FAILURE, error key: RFC_LOGON_FAILURE
Name or password is incorrect (repeat logon)
TRACE 2019-03-15 06:09:14.425 (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [SLPGuiEngine.cpp:214] SLPGuiEngine::showMessageBoxHandleButtonImpl()
<html> <head> </head> <body> The password you specified for user DDIC is wrong. <p> SOLUTION: Enter the correct password. </p> </body> </html>
Any product based on SAP Netweaver or SAP ERP
System Copy, Primary Application Server Instance, RFC_LOGON_FAILURE, LOGON_FAILURE, Name or password is incorrect, The password you specified for user DDIC is wrong, Enter the correct password , KBA , BC-INS-MIG , OS/DB Migrations with SWPM and DB refresh , Problem
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