: spid 0: Oracle Client Version:
: spid 0: LICENSE MESSAGE: Sysam MesageID:131268 Severity:100 Message:Failed to connect to SMTP host mailhost.... on port 25. errno=115 Operation now in progress
: spid 0: LICENSE MESSAGE: Sysam MesageID:131268 Severity:100 Message:Failed to connect to SMTP host mailhost.... on port 25. errno=115 Operation now in progress
: spid 0: LICENSE, Checked out license for 1 DC_ORACLE .
: spid 0: LICENSE MESSAGE: Sysam MesageID:131268 Severity:100 Message:Failed to connect to SMTP host mailhost.... on port 25. errno=115 Operation now in progress
: spid 0: LICENSE MESSAGE: Sysam MesageID:131268 Severity:100 Message:Failed to connect to SMTP host mailhost.... on port 25. errno=115 Operation now in progress
: spid 0: LICENSE, Checked out license for 8 DC_ORACLE .
: spid 0: #16361 CreateEvent() failed in srv__spawn
: 16331 - Recursive Calls to srv__seterr().
: spid 0: #16029 Failed to start any network listeners
: A fatal error was detected while processing SRV_STOP
ECDA for Oracle [dcoracle] DCO (DirectConnect for Oracle) 15.7SP05 on linux rhel 7.x
listener , KBA , BC-SYB-ECD , Enterprise Connect (ECDA) , Problem
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