- Error: SQL Code:270
- Error: Not enough values
- Error: Trigger redefinition failed for table
- Error: Trigger redefinition failed for table <Table>
- Error: /1LT/00000<IDENT> trigger creation failed for table <Table>
- Error: SQL0117N The number of values assigned is not the same as the number of specified or implied columns or variables.
- Error: SQL0104N An unexpected token "NEW.TABNAME = 'TFAVT' NEW.TABNAME = 'TFAVW" was found following "TABNAME = 'TCURM' OR".
SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server
SAP Landscape Transformation replication server all versions
Redefine, IUUC_REDEFINE_DB_TRIGGERS, suppress delete, archiving , KBA , HAN-DP-LTR , Use CA-LT-SLT instead , CA-LT-SLT , SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server (SLT) , Problem
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