SAP Work Manager handles multiple workorders that could include: Operations, Functional Location, PRT and others
- During transmitting on a delta sync (assumption is only the delta changes are transmitted) is taking a longer time than expected
- This issue is outside the scope of an initial sync that downloads the application from scratch with complex table and others being retrieved (This concentrates only on the delta or subsequent sync)
- SAP Mobile Platform SDK 3.0/3.1
SAP Work Manager 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5
- SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 SP14 earlier or later
SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 ; SAP Mobile Platform SDK 3.0 ; SAP Mobile Platform SDK 3.1 ; SAP Work Manager 6.5.0
"SAP Work Manager slow","Agentry delta sync is slow","SAP Work Manager 6.5 delta sync","SAP Work Manager memory consumption high","SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 memory utilization","High memory consumption on SMP 3.0" , KBA , MOB-SYC-SAP-WM , Syclo SAP Work Manager Application , MOB-SDK-AGC , SAP Mobile SDK Agentry Clients , MOB-ONP-AGS , SAP Mobile On Premise Agentry Server , Problem
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