The IAS tenant user login fails after the activation link is called and the password update was successful.
The user receives the below message:
Sorry, we could not authenticate you. Try again.
In the Troubleshooting log, the following error is displayed:
Identity Provider could not process the authentication request received due to error on its own side.The SP user [<user_uuid>] is with status inactive for Service Provider [<service_provider_url>] Caused by: The SP user [<user_uuid>] is with status inactive for Service Provider [<service_provider_url>] Caused by: The SP user [<user_uuid>] is with status inactive for Service Provider [<service_provider_url>]
SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication Service
status, inactive, active, API, CSV, update, user, ias, ids, idp , KBA , BC-IAM-IDS , Identity Authentication Service , Problem
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