- HTTP 500 error is displayed when trying to navigate to Enter System Parameters step of Managed System Configuration
- This was reported to affect only JAVA Managed Systems
- The error details show that connection timed out
- A dump is created on ST22. It shows following details:
Category ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors TIME_OUT
ABAP Program CL_DIAGLS_HOST================CP
Application Component SV-SMG-LDB
|Short Text
| Time limit exceeded
|What happened?
| Program "CL_DIAGLS_HOST================CP" has exceeded the maximum
| uninterrrupted runtime and has
| therefore been terminated.
|Information on where terminated
| The termination occurred in ABAP program "CL_DIAGLS_HOST================CP",
| in "GET_DIAG_AGENT_STATUS". The main program
| was "SAPMSSY1".
| In the source code, the termination point is in line 22 of (Include)
| program "CL_DIAGLS_HOST================CM019".
|RFC Caller Information
| Information on caller of Remote Function Call (RFC):
| Function module..... DIAGSTP_ACTIVATE_EFWK
|Chosen variables
| Val.
|No. 12 Ty. METHOD
SAP Solution Manager 7.2
SAP Solution Manager 7.2
TIME_OUT CL_DIAGLS_HOST================CP CL_DIAGLS_HOST================CM019 GET_DIAG_AGENT_STATUS , KBA , SV-SMG-INS-CFG-MNG , Managed System Configuration , SV-SMG-LDB , Landscape Management Database (LMDB) , Problem
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